Monday, 18 February 2013

{Meal Planning Monday}

Here is a very quick post for Mrs M's Meal Planning Monday...

Meal Planning Monday

I'm so busy right now trying to get my house ready for going on the market. I've spent the whole of this evening painting and cleaning!! The agent is coming on Thursday to photograph the house and the home report is also being done on Thursday - no pressure!!

Anyway, here's the meal plan for this week:

Monday (just me) - I had chicken salad

Tuesday (just me) - chicken salad again - leftovers from tonight

Wednesday - baked potatoes with beans and cheese

Thursday - might try cooking a ham in the slow cooker! Ham, roast potatoes & veg

Friday - stir fried rice with ham (leftovers from Thurs) and veg (peas, pepper, mushroom)

Saturday - take out (having friends over!)

Sunday (just me) - something low fat... maybe a grilled chicken kebab?  

If you're's how the house is looking at the minute... I'm getting there and I'm confident that by Thursday I'll be ready!

What was the dining room... now a tidy playroom!

My kitchen, which I now love! I'll be sad to say goodbye :-(


  1. Lovely meal plan and what a BEAUTIFUL house! I'm sure it will get snapped up really quickly!
    Have a great week x

    1. Fingers crossed!! Photos being taken tomorrow so running around trying to get organised!

  2. Your kitchen is lovely. We've been discussing moving, it wont be for a few years but the seed is planted.
    I've lived in the house since I was 9 so it will be bitter sweet.
    Good luck with the move x

    1. Goodness, that's a long time to be in one house (of course I'm assuming you are an adult rather than a 10 year old who is online!). I love my house and will be sad to go.

  3. Haha Yes unfortunately an adult! I've lived in the house for 27 years.


Beauty with a Conscious

I volunteer most weeks with the Prince and Princess of Wales hospice, located in Bellahouston Park, Glasgow, where I deliver a mindfulness m...