Thursday, 14 February 2013

{Declutter: Making Space in my Wardrobe}

I'm hoping to move house soon... time for a fresh start! So I'm very busy getting the house ready for going on the market.

First up is decluttering. This will benefit me hugely when it comes to the new house as I'm not going to have the space that I currently do - I need to downsize you see. I'm currently living in a gigantic five bedroom house and I'm on my own half the time, so what do I need five bedrooms for? It will be more practical and cost-effective for me to be in a 3 bedroom house where I have a room for each of us.

I've been having a read of some decluttering blogs and sites for inspiration and look what I found:

Project 333

Courtney over at Project 333 started the concept of living with 33 items for 3 months. I have been trying to work with a capsule wardrobe, but didn't restrict myself to the number of items. I'm now thinking I might try this out for the next three months and see how I go!

Here are the basics:

  • When:
  •  Every three months (It’s never too late to start so join in anytime!)
  • What:
  •  33 items including clothing, accessories, jewellery, outerwear and shoes.
  • What not:
  • These items are not counted as part of the 33 items – wedding ring or another sentimental piece of jewellery that you never take off, underwear, sleep wear, in-home lounge wear,  and workout clothing 
  • How:
  •  Choose your 33 items, box up the remainder of your fashion statement, seal it with tape and put it out of site.
  • What else: 
  • Consider that you are creating a wardrobe that you can live, work and play in for three months. Remember that this is not a project in suffering. If your clothes don’t fit or are in poor condition, replace them.

As part of this I'm going to make some space in my wardrobe...

How to Make Space from Be More With Less

Start making piles of clothes and be ruthless...

Pile 1 - I love these items. They fit me well and I wear them frequently: KEEP

Pile 2 - I want to keep this but I don't know why

Pile 3 - These items don't fit me or my style: DONATE

Pile 4 - These items aren't in good condition: BIN

Here's what you do next:

Take Pile 4 to the tip

Box up Pile 3, stick it in the back of your car and take to the charity shop before you have the chance to re-think

Put items from Pile 1 back into your wardrobe

Box up the items from Pile 2 and put it in the back of your wardrobe for 30 days

If you didn't miss the box after 30 days, do not open it - instead donate it to charity

An uber organised wardrobe!! {image source}

Eek!!! Can it be done??

The chest of drawers in my bedroom has three drawers... the top drawer is for underwear, tights and nightwear. The middle is for clothes I wear frequently and the bottom is for clothes that I don't wear but I can't bear to part with.

I really should just bite the bullet though and donate the clothes from the bottom drawer that I don't wear to charity.

What I have done is put some of my clothes into plastic Ikea boxes in my basement that are now labelled 'Fancy Dress' and it contains a variety of different items (belts, shoes, handbags, dresses etc) that I think the kids might like to dress up with when they're a little bit older. I do wish my mum had kept more of her clothing, so I'm keeping a few bits and pieces for this purpose.

So here's the challenge... can I narrow my wardrobe down to 33 items for the next 3 months???


  1. I am not sure I own 33 items let alone narrow it down to 33!

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