Friday 18 May 2012

{Eat Pray Love}

This is a post for the Tots100 Book Club, where bloggers share their favourite stories.

I recently finished the book Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. It's the first book that I've read in a long while. I guess I'm so busy these days, that by the evening all I want to do is sleep (especially knowing that it's likely my sleep will be disrupted thanks to the little ones!).

The synopsis for the story goes like this "Elizabeth Gilbert is in her thirties, she has a husband, a house, and they're trying for a baby - she doesn't want any of it. A bitter divorce and a turbulent love affair later, she emerges battered and bewildered and realises it is time to pursue her own journey in search of three things she has been missing: pleasure, devotion and balance."

I purchased the book at the start of the year, with the notion of 'new year, new me' in mind (yes, it has taken me 4 months to finish the book!). I was drawn to the idea of self-discovery and having seen the movie I knew that Elizabeth found her happiness in the end. I have been going through a difficult few months (as you can tell from the rest of my reading list) and I found Eat Pray Love to be uplifting and inspirational. I'm keen to get my holiday alone booked, as part of my 35 at 35 list, but unlike Elizabeth I'll have a just a week whereas she had a year of travels.

I've been a bit slow on the uptake, I think it was 2006 that this book was a big hit, and I here I am in 2012 just getting around to reading it. Anyway, I'm happy that I have finally read the novel and I think I probably will read it again (maybe on my holiday!). I knew the outcome, but despite this I still enjoyed the book. Here's hoping I can find my happy ending...

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